More than 26 years in Entertainment and Events industry

Over 400 Employees from engineers to craftsman

5 Branches
in the MENA region ready to serve you

14 Awards
inluding 9 Guinness Records
FIESTA HOLDING and Subsidiaries

Combining specialized fields to give your event a distinctive edge, Fiesta offers five focused sectors dedicated to allowing you to endlessly customize your event. The areas of expertise include Styrofoam themed decorations, spectacular fireworks, balloon decoration, entertainment programs, and custom crafts.

Lighting up the sky to emphasize your event, Igual Fireworks delivers a full package solution that covers a range of firework shows with accompanying music. Our team is always on the forefront of innovation combing different musical trends, and firework effects that will leave event attendees in awe of the remarkable show.

Aimed at organizing corporate events, Traventure takes care offers a variety of amenities to ensure an enjoyable and smooth travelling experience. Our fully encompassing solutions include logistic solutions, Ticketing and Visa assistance, leisure programs, and other services to make your business travel pleasant and productive.

PRIMED is a company specializing in disinfectant smart technology and equipment, providing the KSA and UAE markets with product innovation and advanced technology in the healthcare safety sector. PRIMED Smart Medical Equipment Trading LLC is one of 8 subsidiary companies of FIESTA HOLDING.
Ready To Get Started?
+961 1 823 445